Have you seen these never-before-seen, secret art pieces? I don’t imagine you have. So, here for the first time, free of charge, I give you these artworks! Well, not literally free - just free to look at.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Have You Seen These?
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Do You Know Your Visual Signature? – Part 3
Working with a 50mm focal length and a 1x1 aspect ratio (see previous 2 post) gave me a better picture (pun definitely intended) of what my visual signature is with my ongoing principal projects. The images above have a 50mm focal length and a 1x1 aspect ratio. The images below have a (1) 135mm and (2) 300mm focal lengths with a 1x1 aspect ratio. Both of those projects will stay at the 3x2 aspect ration I normally photograph at, as I feel it serves my visual signature well, especially after doing this. It’s not that I don’t like the results because, yes, I do like the results. I just believe I have other projects that 50mm and 1x1 will work better with – in particular, my Victor Valley Project which initially was at 50mm and 1x1, for a time. I’ll have to create some new work with that project and share that with you soon. This experimenting with focal lengths and aspect ratios has helped me to take a closer look at how I can better communicate with the viewers of my photography. And it also helps me dial in the motif of my artistic style, or rather, my visual signature in my work. If you haven’t done so, you should experiment with your visual signature. I imagine that creative ideas will spring from doing this exercise. And I think you will have some new fun while you are at it.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Do You Know Your Visual Signature – Part 2?
So, I have been doing some work with the 50mm focal length after watching that “What is Visual Signature?” on YouTube. See previous post for details. I think I mentioned this before, but I use to shoot mostly at 50mm until I gradually moved away from it. As I said in the previous post, I’ve been at 300mm for my Kinetic Ambiguity Project and 135mm for my Motion Project for a while now. Well, I did not only experiment with 50mm, I also photographed with 1x1 aspect ratio as well. I made some interesting self-discoveries in doing this that I will share with you on the next post. I’ll say this though, 50mm is a proven focal point. Still, we need to keep in mind our own visual signature.
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Do You Know Your Visual Signature?
Sunday, August 29, 2021
A Quick Look at My Motion Project
The Motion Project is another ongoing project I plan on working on for some time. What I was doing yesterday with this image creation was trying to make interesting compositions on the fly. I was using my 6D Mark II on shutter priority (Tv) making the aperture set to auto. I had also set my ISO to auto as well. I normally set my ISO to 100 for this Motion Project but I was experimenting with the ISO. Nonetheless, for this image, the ISO went to 100 and the aperture went to F/8. My predetermined shutter speed was 1/640 second (my proven shutter speed for this project). Also, my focal length was 200mm and my exposure bias was -1 step. That exposure bias is a favorite of mine for everything I photograph, really. And in that instant, I created this image. Of course, there is my postproduction secret sauce that brings about this final rendering. So, as you can see, this really wasn’t outside of my comfort zone, but it was a little experimentation with the ISO being set to auto. I’m a little obsessed with control when I create images but I’m starting to loosen up, a little – a very little.
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Why I Wanted a New Camera
On Christmas, 2019, Jane (my wife and so much more) gave me a dream gift: a Canon EOS 6D Mark II camera. It was my very first full frame DSLR. And I have taken thousands of frames with it since then. Yes, it was the only thing on my wish list (no secret there) and it cost a hunk of change (we are not monetarily wealthy) but I have imagined myself with one ever since I first heard about it in 2017. Why did I want one so bad, the full frame sensor of course! What it replaced was my Canon Rebel T3i which I had for five years at the time. Its age wasn’t the issue, its APS-C sensor was. I wanted that full frame sensor with a passion. But has it changed my life? Not really. I really like the camera though because of a lot of features it has – not just the full frame sensor. But I haven’t really taken advantage of most of those cool new features. I think I’m going to change that though. I think I’m going to leave my comfort zone and try some of these cool new things. Stay tuned.
Oh, what do you think of my cool vignetting?
Oh, oh!!
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get a message when I post again.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Another Reason Why I Make Photographs
I got the chance to get out and make some images this weekend. This was not on my list to do but it is no secret that I needed it – the therapy of making photographs. When I am out there (anywhere really), with a camera in hand, the therapeutic relief is not instant. It takes some time before I relax a bit and get into the flow of my process. It varies but generally it takes about 30 minutes and I begin to feel what I’m doing with my camera. For me, it is a free consultation with a mental health profession. When I’m done, I am in a more relaxed state of mind and can better work my way through some of my issues that need addressing in my world. I don’t know, but it may work for you too – if that is something that you need.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Finally, Part Two – How to Solve the Blank Wall Predicament
I know, I have been gone for a few hundred years (or a couple of months). You know how it goes sometimes, you get caught up in stuff and the time gets away from you.
So, blank walls – how do we hang prints or convert “blah” walls into “wow” walls? My wife sent me the guide below a while back and it’s helpful. There is one detail I believe most people know about. For the group of folks who may not be aware, once you know where you’re hanging that artwork, be sure you compensate for the difference in height from the top of your piece to where the wire will be. You know, pick up your piece with one finger on the wire then measure the distance from the wire to the top of the work/frame. You eliminate the surprises, and you never want those surprises.Monday, June 14, 2021
How to Solve the Blank Wall Predicament
I imagine this happens to many folks. You pause for a moment in your home and your gaze predictably lands up on that blank wall (or those blank walls). You may or may not have something to put on that wall but usually that is not the real problem. The real problem is, “I’ll damage the wall; I’ll hang it too high (or low or crooked); I’m torn between this or that for that spot; I don’t have a clue about what would look good there; etc.” Those feelings are normal though. Let me let you in on a secret though, doing something about it takes a bit of effort – but it is so doable. Of course, you can hire someone to hang something for you – ask Google. But it does not require a lot of effort to do it yourself. Usually a nail, a hammer, a pencil, and a measuring tape will get the job done. Ok if you are particular, you can use a level too (I do). In an instant, or more like in under 10 minutes, you can have something in that blank space – and you will be happy it is there. Next time we’ll talk about “how” to do it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Breakout Moments This Spring Auction Season.
“8 Artists Who Had Breakout Moments This Spring Auction Season” was an article I scanned (I only read the first paragraph) on Artsy. I was scanning to see if any of the artist were photographers. I believe they were all painters. I am not upset with painters; they are cool folks. I am just like, “yeah, that was what I expected”, with the industry regarding fine art photographers. I know, there are thousands of recognized fine art photographers all around the world, but it just seems like… I am not sure of the words I want to use here so I won’t. But there was another thing that I must keep remembering when I read these art industry articles – they are not writing to me. They are writing to top tier collectors, notable gallerist, accomplished artist, etc. The work that was in the article was cool though.
Just the same, you should have a look at my website. I imagine you will really like it.Sunday, May 30, 2021
Do You Collect Up-and-Coming Photographic Artist? Maybe you should.
In the image, I see giant sentinels slowly walking across the desert landscape as the wind howls its disapproval though it is powerless to stop them. Let your imagination guide you in this vision or you may miss it. That is how it works for me, and it can work for you as well. The work is beautiful, and you should not deny yourself an opportunity to have one of your own. Take this opportunity to visit the website and see what I am talking about.
I wonder how this work would look on
your wall.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
What Marketing Strategies Work for You?
I imagine it looks like a giant green hand grabbing the Earth as it pulls itself up from some incredible void. As it grips the surface, the sky is alive with frenetic activity flashing between white and blue. But this place and these happenings are a secret because no one will know about my art unless I can get the work in front of them. Marketing is essential to getting this business moving forward. I’m working on my social media marketing right now as I don’t have a monetary cost with that at the moment (I’m just trying to say it’s free with a bunch of words). And I need to learn about Google Places too. What marketing strategies are working for you?
Oh, don’t forget to drop by the website since you’re here at the blog.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Do You Know Who Marina Abramovic Is?
“I never thought about how to sell performance; for most of my career I’ve done it for free”, Marina Abramovic. This quote comes from an article on Sotheby's website, "MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ: A WOMAN’S WORLD", by Amah-Rose Abrams, May 10, 2021. Basically, Ms. Abramovic is a household name that I never knew. At least the article starts out saying so. I admit, I only read the first paragraph then started looking at the images and highlighted quotes eventually coming to the quote you see here. That quote made me stop and think – Ms. Abramovic had money or access to it all those years. She could afford to do “it for free”. She was not the artist I was looking for. And you are correct, I do not know who the artist I am looking for is. What I do know is that the artist is not well known but sells their artwork for a comfortable living. I just need to keep looking – I will find them. I will learn from them.
Well, you might as well have a look at my website since you’re here. Tell me what you think of the artwork on it.Friday, May 7, 2021
Why Should Anyone Buy My Art – Part Two
Why, I ask? I answer with because it’s now easy to do! My new website is operational! The address is https://www.elmpfineart.com and it’s waiting for you to visit right now. Imagine a website where you can get your hands on a finished product, created by me, to hang on your wall for all to see. Now that’s a great reason to buy my art! Not everyone will understand the value, but you do.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Do Professional Photographers Ever Photograph for Fun?
This is a good question (as opposed to a bad question). First things first – I do not know if professional photographers ever photograph for fun – but I imagine they do. I am, technically, not a professional photographer, yet, as I do not earn my living as a photographer or photographic artist. I am continuously working on becoming a photographic artist though. Once my ecommerce site is operational, it will play a key role in me achieving that goal. That being said, I do photograph for fun. Besides the fact that I have fun every time I do a shoot, I make images that I have no plans for except to look at for my own enjoyment. I really like photography and I hope you do too.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Why Should Anyone Buy My Art
Thursday, March 11, 2021
How Do I Start an Online Art Career – In Other Words, How Do I Become a Working Artist?
I do not know. I needed to say that first. I am trying to do just that, be a working artist. I am actively working on my e-commerce website and it is almost ready to launch – maybe this weekend I’ll be able to show you it. I just participated in the Medium Photo Review where I met some art industry folks who gave me great feedback on my portfolio. Some of that feedback I am already acting on. I have been reading a lot too. Currently I am reading “Art Money Success” by Maria Brophy. Lots of folks have said this is a good book to read (and do as it is a workbook). I read Cory Huff’s book, “How to Sell Your Art Online”, which was very insightful. I also read Jennifer Schwartz/Yoffy’s book, “Crusade for Your Audience”. I liked it too and got some good information from it as well. She was also one of my photo reviewers at the portfolio review. And I have a body of work that is ready to go. I have a proven printer and master framer on board as well. So, I think I have all of the secrets for art success! Thing is, there are no secrets, but I am learning, and applying that that knowledge where I can. It is not easy, but I believe I can and will do this – it is where I want to go. The vision is starting to coalesce. Come on website!
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Why I Create Motion Blur Art
You are in your car and you are driving
down the road. The radio is on, music is playing, you are talking with someone,
you are deep in thought — whatever the case, your eyes are never really focused
on what is passing you by. Your eyes face towards your destination, but there
is a secret world out there that you are missing. I would like to share that secret world with
you. I call it my Kinetic Ambiguity
Project. Why do I do this? This motion blur photographic art project helps me
improve myself and manage my inner demons. And I believe I have something to
share with fellow art enthusiast.
Though I have been absent from my blog for a while (I have spent a lot of time on Instagram trying to figure it out), I’m getting back to blogging. Partially because I’ll be fielding a new website for my artwork. And partially because I like blogging. As soon as the new site is operational, I will let you know.